Dear student…..
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kalian pasti mau tau tentang berita yang lagi up to date. Makanya kalian pasti sering menonton TV yang menyajikan berita, baik itu berita faktual ataupun hanya gosip belaka. Kalian mungkin jarang membaca koran, tapi saya yakin kalau setidaknya kalian akan melirik headline yang terpampang jelas di emperan jalan. Adalah manusia yang mau tau tentang segala hal.
News Item adalah jenis teks yang berhubungan dengan berita. Kita bisa menemukan teks News Item dalam acara liputan berita, yang berupa listening texts, baik itu di radio maupun di televisi. Untuk teks tertulis bisa kita temukan di koran atau majalah.
Trus apa tujuannya teks News Item? To inform the reader or listener. Yang jelas tujuan News Item adalah untuk menginformasikan berita ke pembaca or pendengar. Tujuan kalian baca or denger berita kan untuk mendapatkan informasi dari sumber yang jelas.
Agar teks yang dihasilkan dapat dengan mudah dimengerti pembaca atau pendengar, ada 3 tahapan yang harus ada dalam teks tersebut, yaitu:
1. Menuliskan inti berita atau peristiwa yang dianggap penting (Newsworthy Event).
2. Menuliskan latar belakang atau sebab terjadinya peristiwa tersebut (Background Event).
3. Menuliskan sumber berita, biasanya berisi tentang kutipan dari nara sumber yang biasanya saksi mata,
ataupun pejabat terkait yang berhubungan dengan peristiwa tersebut (Sources).
Salah satu jenis teks yang rutin nongol di UN adalah News Item. Biasanya beritanya mengenai kecelakaan, namun ada juga tema yang lainnya. Untuk membedakan jenis teks News Item dan teks yang yang lainnya sangat mudah karena News Item punya ciri yang unik yaitu diawali dengan nama kota atau tempat. Ciri lainnya yaitu adanya kutipan dari nara sumber.
Text 1
SINGAPORE: A supervisor was jailed for two months for repeatedly striking his Indonesian maid on the head and back with a television remote. (Ini namanya newsworthy event, inti berita ini adalah tentang seorang supervisor yang dipenjara)
Muhammad Shafiq Woon Abdullah was brought to court in Singapore because he had physically hurt the woman on several occasions between June and October 2002, the Straits Time said. (Ini bisa juga termasuk ke dalam source, ada kata “the Strait Time said”, sebagai sumber berita)
The magistrate’s court heard that Shafiq, 31, began striking Winarti, 22, about a month after she started working for him. (Paragraf 2 dan 3 adalah background event, karena menyebutkan latar belakang penyebab kejadian tersebut)
He hit her on the head with the TV sets remote control because he was unhappy with her work. On the occasion, he punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming.
S.S. Dhillon, Shafiq’s lawyer, said that his client had become mad when he saw his daughter’s face covered as she was lying in bed. He said his client thought the maid had put the child in danger. (paragraf ini juga merupakan source, ada kata “…lawyer, said”
Text 2
BEIJING (AFP): China denied yesterday that any dispute existed between itself and Indonesia over the South China Sea’s Natuna Island, but said it was willing to hold talks with Jakarta to settle demarcation. (newsworthy event)
There is no dispute between China and Indonesia on possession of the Natuna Islands,’ said foreign ministry spokesman Chen Jian when asked about reports of growing concerns in Jakarta over Chinese interest in a gas-rich zone near the archipelago. (source)
“We’re willing to hold talks with the Indonesian side to settle demarcation of this area.” Chen added, without elaborating. China is one of the six nations which claims all or part of the Spratly Island in the South China Sea and its interpretation of that claim includes part of the large Indonesian maritime zone of Natuna, between Borneo and the Malaysian Peninsula. United States oil giant Exxon signed a contract in November with the Indonesia state owned firm Pertamina to exploit a natural gas field, 250 kilometres northeast of Natuna, in a zone apparently claimed by China. (background event)
China has lodged no official protest over the deal. Indonesia has sent a diplomatic note to Beijing expressing its condemn the moment it found out that the latest Chinese official map showed Natuna as within dotted line of its boundary.
Text 3
Yogyakarta: Two chidren in Yogyakarta died of dengue fever at Sardjito Hospital Monday, raising to 12 the number of deaths caused by the disease in the last four moths. “They were very ill when they arrived. We did our best.” The head of the hospital’s pediatric ward, Ida Safitri, said on Tuesday.
Sadjito spokesman Trisno Heru Nigroho said there had been a significant increase in the number of dengue fever patients at the hospital in recent months. In January, 69 patients were treated at the hospital, 88 in February and 102 in March.
Well, sudah jelas kan info tentang News Item. Jangan lupa tuk latihan terus ya.
News Item adalah jenis teks yang berhubungan dengan berita. Kita bisa menemukan teks News Item dalam acara liputan berita, yang berupa listening texts, baik itu di radio maupun di televisi. Untuk teks tertulis bisa kita temukan di koran atau majalah.
Trus apa tujuannya teks News Item? To inform the reader or listener. Yang jelas tujuan News Item adalah untuk menginformasikan berita ke pembaca or pendengar. Tujuan kalian baca or denger berita kan untuk mendapatkan informasi dari sumber yang jelas.
Agar teks yang dihasilkan dapat dengan mudah dimengerti pembaca atau pendengar, ada 3 tahapan yang harus ada dalam teks tersebut, yaitu:
1. Menuliskan inti berita atau peristiwa yang dianggap penting (Newsworthy Event).
2. Menuliskan latar belakang atau sebab terjadinya peristiwa tersebut (Background Event).
3. Menuliskan sumber berita, biasanya berisi tentang kutipan dari nara sumber yang biasanya saksi mata,
ataupun pejabat terkait yang berhubungan dengan peristiwa tersebut (Sources).
Salah satu jenis teks yang rutin nongol di UN adalah News Item. Biasanya beritanya mengenai kecelakaan, namun ada juga tema yang lainnya. Untuk membedakan jenis teks News Item dan teks yang yang lainnya sangat mudah karena News Item punya ciri yang unik yaitu diawali dengan nama kota atau tempat. Ciri lainnya yaitu adanya kutipan dari nara sumber.
Text 1
SINGAPORE: A supervisor was jailed for two months for repeatedly striking his Indonesian maid on the head and back with a television remote. (Ini namanya newsworthy event, inti berita ini adalah tentang seorang supervisor yang dipenjara)
Muhammad Shafiq Woon Abdullah was brought to court in Singapore because he had physically hurt the woman on several occasions between June and October 2002, the Straits Time said. (Ini bisa juga termasuk ke dalam source, ada kata “the Strait Time said”, sebagai sumber berita)
The magistrate’s court heard that Shafiq, 31, began striking Winarti, 22, about a month after she started working for him. (Paragraf 2 dan 3 adalah background event, karena menyebutkan latar belakang penyebab kejadian tersebut)
He hit her on the head with the TV sets remote control because he was unhappy with her work. On the occasion, he punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming.
S.S. Dhillon, Shafiq’s lawyer, said that his client had become mad when he saw his daughter’s face covered as she was lying in bed. He said his client thought the maid had put the child in danger. (paragraf ini juga merupakan source, ada kata “…lawyer, said”
Text 2
BEIJING (AFP): China denied yesterday that any dispute existed between itself and Indonesia over the South China Sea’s Natuna Island, but said it was willing to hold talks with Jakarta to settle demarcation. (newsworthy event)
There is no dispute between China and Indonesia on possession of the Natuna Islands,’ said foreign ministry spokesman Chen Jian when asked about reports of growing concerns in Jakarta over Chinese interest in a gas-rich zone near the archipelago. (source)
“We’re willing to hold talks with the Indonesian side to settle demarcation of this area.” Chen added, without elaborating. China is one of the six nations which claims all or part of the Spratly Island in the South China Sea and its interpretation of that claim includes part of the large Indonesian maritime zone of Natuna, between Borneo and the Malaysian Peninsula. United States oil giant Exxon signed a contract in November with the Indonesia state owned firm Pertamina to exploit a natural gas field, 250 kilometres northeast of Natuna, in a zone apparently claimed by China. (background event)
China has lodged no official protest over the deal. Indonesia has sent a diplomatic note to Beijing expressing its condemn the moment it found out that the latest Chinese official map showed Natuna as within dotted line of its boundary.
Text 3
Yogyakarta: Two chidren in Yogyakarta died of dengue fever at Sardjito Hospital Monday, raising to 12 the number of deaths caused by the disease in the last four moths. “They were very ill when they arrived. We did our best.” The head of the hospital’s pediatric ward, Ida Safitri, said on Tuesday.
Sadjito spokesman Trisno Heru Nigroho said there had been a significant increase in the number of dengue fever patients at the hospital in recent months. In January, 69 patients were treated at the hospital, 88 in February and 102 in March.
Well, sudah jelas kan info tentang News Item. Jangan lupa tuk latihan terus ya.
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